Nero's cross or peace sign
The Jewish custom at the time of Christ was to break the legs of those crucified on the Sabbath, in order to suffocate them and facilitate a speedier death. Yet, no one dared to break YESHUA's legs.
John 19:31-33 "Then the Jews, because it was the day of preparation, so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. So the soldiers came, and broke the legs of the first man and of the other who was crucified with Him; but coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs"
The Nero cross or peace sign is also called the broken cross, crow's foot, witch's foot, sign of the broken Jew, or the symbol of the Antichrist. Similar to the upside down cross, it's a cross within a circle with broken arms. The two diagonal segments are meant to represent the breaking of the cross which signifies the "gesture of despair" or the "death of man". It represents the antithesis of Christianity or a way to protest against Christianity.
Over the past 2000 years, this symbol has been used to denote hatred of Christians. Nero, who despised Christians, crucified the Apostle Peter on a cross upside down because Peter felt he was not worthy of being crucified in the same exalted manner as Christ. This event became a popular pagan insignia of the time. Later on, this symbol became known as the "neronic cross".
Around the year 711 AD, the Saracens began carving the upside down cross into their shields and armor to symbolize the breaking of the Christian cross.
In the Middle Ages, the symbol was used in sorcery by Druids and occultists of all kinds when initiating a new member into their order. They would draw a circle and give the initiate a cross. the latter would then raise the cross, turn it upside down, and break the horizontal pieces downward to form the "crow’s foot". Through this gesture, he renounced Christianity in all three dimensions of time (past, present and future).
It was originally used as a symbol of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. It consists of the semaphore flag representation of the letters N and D for Nuclear Disarmament as shown in the image below.

The peace sign has historical pagan, occult and anti-Christian implications and meanings; it's also associated with the Nazis and Soviet communism.
The life/death rune
To this day, the inverted broken cross (identical to the socialist "peace" sign) is known in Germany as a "death rune" or "life rune".
The Lebensrune or runic insignia of the Schutzstaffel was based on the Algiz rune and used by the Lebensborn, the SS organization responsible for the Lebensborn program that supported the families of SS members. It first appeared in the 1920s and was widely used within Nazi Germany, for example on the flags, uniforms and other official prescriptions of the Schutzstaffel, as symbols of various aspects of Germanic ideology and mysticism. The Lebensrune is known as the "rune of life" and its insignia is ᛉ for "life".
When inverted, it becomes The Todesrune or "rune of death" and its insignia is ᛦ for "death". Germanic tribes attributed strange and mystical properties to The Todesrune, the symbol was used in black magic for pagan incantations and condemnations.
During World War II Hitler's National Socialists ordered that these two runes appear in the obituaries of the dreaded Nazi officers of Hitler's 3rd Panzer Division SS troops, on German death certificates, and also be part of the official inscription prescribed in cemeteries and on tombstones to mark dates of birth and death, replacing the asterisk and cross symbols traditionally used in this context in Germany.
Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, used the peace sign as a backdrop for his altar.
The cross is very fashionable among occultists and Satanists who wear it proudly. Remembering that symbolism is a language of image and an image is worth a thousand words, this cross is another sign that mocks the cross of Jesus Christ and portrays the defeat of Christianity. To wear or display this symbol is to announce knowingly or unconsciously that you have rejected Christ.
May the Holy Spirit guide you through the understanding of this message.
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