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The Book of Gleanings

The Book of the Bee

The Book of Gleanings

The Book of the Gleaners, also known as the Book of the Bee, was written in Syriac around 1222 by Solomon of Akhlat, bishop of Basra in the Church of the East. The Book is a compilation of theological and historical texts, as well as the thoughts, theories and beliefs of several leading theologians. It contains numerous biblical narratives on a variety of subjects, including creation, heaven and earth, angels, darkness, paradise, Old Testament patriarchs, New Testament events, lists of kings and patriarchs, and the last day of the resurrection. The book was very popular among local Christian communities, and was handed down until the 19th century. We preserve it here for its educational value.

  1. Of God's Eternal Intention in Respect of the Creation of the Universe 

  2. Of the Creation of the Seven Natures (Substances) in Silence 

  3. Of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire 

  4. Of Heaven

  5. Of the Angels 

  6. Of Darkness 

  7. Of Effused (Circumambient) Light 

  8. Of the Firmament

  9. Of the Creation of Trees and Plants, and the Making of Seas and Rivers 

  10. Of the Making of the Luminaries 

  11. Of the Creation of Sea-Monsters, Fish, Winged Fowl, and the Reptiles That Are In the Seas

  12. Of the Creation of Beasts and Animals 

  13. Of the Formation of Adam 

  14. Of the Making of Eve 

  15. Of The Garden 

  16. Of the Sin of Adam

  17. Of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from The Garden 

  18. Of Adam's Knowing Eve

  19. Of the Invention of the Instruments for Working in Iron 

  20. Of Noah and the Flood 

  21. Of Melchizedek

  22. Of the Generations of Noah The children of Shem 

  23. Of the Succession of Generations from the Flood Until Now 

  24. Of the Building of the Tower and the Division of Tongues

  25. Of Abraham 

  26. Of the Temptation of Job

  27. Of the Blessings of Isaac

  28. Of Joseph

  29. Of Moses and the Children of Israel

  30. The History of Moses Rod

  31. Of Joshua The Son Of Nun, And Brief Notices Of The Years Of The Judges And The Kings Of The Children Of Israel

  32. Of The Death Of The Prophets; How They Died, And (Where) Each One Of Them Was Buried

  33. Of the Messianic Generations

  34. Of the Annunciation of the Angel to Yônâkîr (Joachim) in Respect of Mary

  35. Of the Annunciation by Gabriel to Mary of the Conception of Our Lord 

  36. Of the Birth of Our Lord in The Flesh

  37. The Prophecy of Zârâdôsht Concerning Our Lord

  38. Of the Star which appeared in the East on the Day of the Birth of our Lord

  39. Of the coming of the Magi from Persia

  40. Of our Lord's going down into Egypt

  41. Of John the Baptist, and of the Baptism of Our Lord

  42. Of Our Lord's Fast; of the Strife Which He Waged with the Devil; and Of the Mighty Deeds That He Wrought Chapter 45 Of The Resurrection of Our Lord 

  43. Of The Passover of Our Lord

  44. Of The Passion of Our Lord

  45. Of The Resurrection of Our Lord

  46. Of The Ascension of Our Lord to Heaven

  47. Of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in the Upper Chamber 

  48. Of the Teaching of The Apostles, and of the Places of Each One of Them, and of Their Deaths

  49. The Names of the Apostles in order

  50. Of some Minor Matters

  51. The Names of The Eastern Catholics, the Successors of The Apostles Addai and Mârî

  52. The Names of the Kings who have Reigned in the World from the Flood until Now

  53. Of the End of Times and the Change of Kingdoms; from the Book of Methodius, Bishop of Rome  

  54. Of Gog and Magog, who are imprisoned in the North  

  55. Of the Coming of the Antichrist, the Son of Perdition 

  56. Of Death and the Departure of the Soul from the Body

  57. Of the Quickening and the General Resurrection, the Consummation of the Material World and the Beginning of the New World

  58. Of the Manner and State in which Men will Rise in the Day of The Resurrection

  59. Of The Happiness of The Righteous and the Torment of Sinners, and in What State they are

  60. Whether Mercy will be Shewn to Sinners and the Devils in Gehenna, after they have been Tormented and Suffered and been Punished, or Not? And if Mercy is to be Shewn to Them, When will it Be?

©2019 by Les Versets Bibliques - Secrets of Heaven. 

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